Monday, 24 August 2015

Room 25 is loving BOOK WEEK!

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Book Week 2015 is off to a great start in Room 25! Every day we get a surprise with a book week song coming over the speaker - We know when we hear it to STOP, DROP AND READ!!!! 

Today we enjoyed Mrs Polkinghorne reading to us at lunch time in the library.  She read us "The best loved bear".  Owairaka students brought in their best loved bear and really enjoyed this time to have a cuddle and listen to a great story!

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  1. Hi Room 25. Wow, what a fun book week you have had. You were very lucky to have Mrs P come and read to you. I also love the story about the best loved bear. What are some of your other favourite stories? From Miss Green

  2. Hi Miss Green

    Thank you for your comment. We loved book week! Some of our favourite books are:

    - Geronimo Stilton / Theo Stilton ones
    - Battle Boy
    - Jacqueline Wilson books

    For our read aloud we are reading a story that connects to our topic. It is called 'Journey to Jo-Burg'
    Have a great week!

    From Room 25.

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