Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Life Education

We have absolutely LOVED our Life Education sessions with Jess and Harold!  We have been learning about empathy, reading people's body language, our basic needs and how we can fill our buckets and other people's buckets to make the world a happier place.


There never was, is now, or ever will be again another you.

You are special because you are unique.  It's OK to have freckles, be tall or short, have big ears or a big nose, different coloured skin or hair.

All you have to do is be YOU.


  1. i really like how room 25 work together as a team and how they do their activity together. it helps the children know each others and makes friends.:)

  2. i really like how room 25 work together as a team and how they do their activity together. it helps the children know each others and makes friends.:)

  3. Hi Neigalo

    That is a really lovely comment - It made us feel happy!

    We are a team in Room 25 and we support each other to be the best learners that we can be.

    Have a good afternoon!

    Room 25
