Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Life Education

We have absolutely LOVED our Life Education sessions with Jess and Harold!  We have been learning about empathy, reading people's body language, our basic needs and how we can fill our buckets and other people's buckets to make the world a happier place.


There never was, is now, or ever will be again another you.

You are special because you are unique.  It's OK to have freckles, be tall or short, have big ears or a big nose, different coloured skin or hair.

All you have to do is be YOU.


We have been learning about the significance of ANZAC Day. Room 25 has shown great respect, enthusiasm and interest in this topic.  

For one of our learning experiences we engaged in an interactive look at life in the trenches during World War 1.  

Following this we transformed Room 25 into a trench with sounds of war playing overhead. This was a confronting and eye opening experience for us all.  Our task was to write home to our families and friends from the perspective of soldiers in World War 1.  Enjoy some excerpts of our writing below! 

Kiara - 'I have no privacy to write my letter, my trench is small and I can't get a day alone'.

Sumaya - 'Shot! Shot! This is like a big storm'.

Kosha - 'There are people trying to fall asleep while the battle is going on'.

Essa - 'I hear machine guns shooting and a rat squealing in danger.  Boom!  A colossal bomb came down from a jumbo plane'.

Leila - 'I can hear gates slamming and lots of explosions.  I can hear donkey's - clip, clap, clip, clap'.

Cleo - 'My feet are cold and sore.  The trench is cold and muddy.  Slosh, slosh, BOOM...'

Monday, 20 April 2015

Term 2 is underway!

Welcome back to school Room 25 students and families! I am excited to share another term of fun, challenges, and learning with you.