Sunday, 24 June 2018

Honey Sandwiches in Room 15!

We have worked so hard this term on our 'Honey' production and we have done lots of learning about bees. As a special treat we got to make honey sandwiches this afternoon. We chose a buddy and followed these steps:

1. Wash your hands
2. Use a knife to spread the butter on to the piece of bread
3. Spread the honey on to the bread too
4. Put the lid on top of the sandwich
5. Cut your sandwich in half with a knife
6. Your partner can eat one half, and you eat the other half!

After making and eating our honey sandwiches we did some writing about it. Here are some examples of writing...

Matariki Celebrations

During the week we celebrated Matariki in different ways. We shared kai with Room 11. We made stars and did writing about Matariki to go with them. We made a class korowai that we shared with our school during the Matariki assembly.