Sunday, 23 July 2017

Term 3 Fun!

Hi Room 25 families

We have a very fun term ahead of us!

Please see our swimming timetable below. Our first lesson is on Tuesday 1st August. Children will need to:
  • WEAR TOGS to school
  • Bring a towel and underwear in a plastic bag or swimming bag
  • Bring a swimming cap and goggles if you have them
We will be leaving school at 9am. Please make sure your child is here on time.

Room 25 starts Garden to Table this term. Please talk to Miss O'Shea if you would like to join us for this.

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning. It is given out every Monday, and will be checked on Friday (along with the spelling test).

It's going to a great action packed term full of learning and fun! Thank you in advance for your support.

Thursday, 6 July 2017


What a fun way to celebrate an amazing term! Well done Room 25 for all your hard work - you are AMAZING, so proud of you all! 

Have a very happy holiday. 

See you in TERM 3 - School starts on Monday 24th July - 8.55am!

A video that helped us learn how parachutes work...

Our experiment to end science term!

First we learnt about how parachutes work.

Then we drew a diagram that included labels such as air resistance, gravity and weight.

We made our parachutes using plastic bags, string and a peg as the weight.

We had to made lots of changes along the way to get our parachutes to fall slowly.

The next photos will show you TESTING DAY!