Thursday, 30 March 2017

Our trip to the Owairaka Community Gardens!

On Monday 27th March Room 25 headed down to the Owairaka Community Gardens. We used magnifying glasses to observe bugs in the bug hotel, we lay cardboard and mulch on the garden beds, measured signs so we can design new ones, did lots of weeding and learnt a lot about the different plants growing in the gardens. A huge THANK YOU to Heather who looks after our Community Gardens, we love working with you!

Thursday, 2 March 2017


Every day we have a different morning focus:
  • Mindfulness Monday
  • Teamwork Tuesday
  • Worldly Wednesday
  • Think about it Thursday
  • Feel good Friday
Today (FEEL GOOD FRIDAY) we learnt what it means to compliment someone. We wrote a letter to a secret buddy to tell them what we think they are good at, and what makes them an awesome class member.

We all felt really good when we read our letters!

We are super readers in Room 25!

Room 25's 'THINKERS' and 'WONDERERS' reading groups have been learning to instantly identify high frequency words when they are reading. They had the challenge to write words from their word cards on a sticky note and then find these words in the book they were reading - look how many high frequency words they found! 

Well done - Super learning and super reading!